· Zen HuiFer · Building Enterprise-level IoT Platform from Scratch  · 15 min read

Data Storage and Management

This article introduces data storage and management in IoT systems, including data lifecycle management, types of data storage, and methods for handling time-series data. By understanding these contents, readers can better choose and manage IoT data storage solutions to ensure data availability, integrity, and security.

This article introduces data storage and management in IoT systems, including data lifecycle management, types of data storage, and methods for handling time-series data. By understanding these contents, readers can better choose and manage IoT data storage solutions to ensure data availability, integrity, and security.

Data Storage and Management

In IoT systems, data storage and management are key aspects to ensure data availability, integrity, and security. With the increase in the number of IoT devices and the explosive growth of data volume, choosing the right data storage solutions and management strategies becomes particularly important.

Data Lifecycle Management

Data Lifecycle Management (DLM) refers to the process of managing data throughout its entire lifecycle, from creation, storage, usage, archiving to destruction. Effective data lifecycle management can help enterprises optimize storage resources, improve data utilization, and ensure data security and compliance. The following are several key stages of data lifecycle management:

  1. Data Creation: Data creation is the starting point of the data lifecycle. Data can be generated in various ways, such as through sensors, user input, or system generation. At this stage, ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the data is crucial.

  2. Data Storage: After data is created, it needs to be stored. Depending on the type and purpose of the data, different storage solutions can be chosen, such as relational databases, NoSQL databases, file systems, etc. At this stage, the security and accessibility of the data are key factors to consider.

  3. Data Usage: Stored data needs to be effectively used to support business decisions and operations. Data usage includes data querying, analysis, visualization, etc. At this stage, ensuring the timeliness and accuracy of the data is critical.

  4. Data Archiving: For data that is no longer frequently used but needs to be retained for a long time, archiving can be performed. Archived data is usually stored on lower-cost storage media to save storage resources. At this stage, ensuring the recoverability and compliance of the data is important.

  5. Data Destruction: When data is no longer needed, it should be securely destroyed to prevent data leakage. Data destruction can be achieved through physical destruction of storage media or using data erasure tools. At this stage, ensuring the irrecoverability of the data is the core goal.

Types of Data Storage

  • Compare different types of data storage solutions, such as relational databases, NoSQL databases, etc.
Data Storage TypeAdvantagesDisadvantages
Relational Database- High data consistency: Ensures data consistency and integrity through transaction mechanisms.
- Supports complex queries: Uses SQL language for complex data queries and operations.
- Data integrity: Ensures data integrity through mechanisms such as foreign keys and unique constraints.
- Poor scalability: Relational databases have poor scalability when dealing with large-scale data.
- Performance bottleneck: Performance may become a bottleneck in high concurrency and large data volume scenarios.
NoSQL Database- High scalability: Achieves horizontal scalability through distributed architecture, suitable for large-scale data storage needs.
- High performance: NoSQL databases usually have better performance in high concurrency and large data volume scenarios.
- Flexible data model: Supports multiple data models, suitable for different types of data storage needs.
- Poor data consistency: Most NoSQL databases adopt an eventual consistency model, which may lead to data inconsistency.
- Does not support complex queries: NoSQL databases usually do not support complex SQL queries and transaction processing.

Time Series Data

Time series data is a common type of data in IoT, usually used to record the status and events of devices at different points in time. Commonly used time series databases include:

  1. InfluxDB: A high-performance time series database that supports high concurrent writes and queries. Official website: https://www.influxdata.com/
  2. TimescaleDB: A time series database based on PostgreSQL, which also has the functions of a relational database. Official website: https://www.timescale.com/
  3. Prometheus: A time series database mainly used for monitoring and alerting, with a powerful query language. Official website: https://prometheus.io/
  4. OpenTSDB: A distributed time series database built on HBase, suitable for large-scale data storage. Official website: http://opentsdb.net/

Partitioning is a common technique when dealing with large-scale time series data. Partitioning can divide data by time, device, or other dimensions, thereby improving query performance and data management efficiency. A comparison of some common partitioning schemes is shown in the table:

Partition TypeDescriptionAdvantagesDisadvantages
Time PartitioningPartition data by time period, such as by day, month, or year. This strategy is suitable for scenarios where data volume grows over time, facilitating time range queries and data archiving.Easy to implement, high query performance.May lead to large data volumes in some partitions, affecting performance.
Device PartitioningPartition data by device, with each device’s data stored in a separate partition. This strategy is suitable for scenarios with a large number of devices and large data volumes per device.Easy to manage and maintain, high performance when querying specific device data.Increased management complexity with a large number of partitions.
Hybrid PartitioningCombine time partitioning and device partitioning, partitioning data by both time and device. For example, partition by time first, then by device within each time partition. This strategy is suitable for scenarios with large data volumes and complex query requirements.Flexible queries, high performance.More complex to implement and manage.
Hash PartitioningPartition data by hash value, distributing data evenly across multiple partitions using a hash function. This strategy is suitable for scenarios with uneven data distribution.Even data distribution, avoiding large data volumes in a single partition.Query performance may not be as good as time partitioning and device partitioning.

Data Backup and Recovery

Data backup and recovery are important measures to ensure data security and availability. In IoT systems, data backup and recovery strategies need to consider factors such as large data volumes, diverse data types, and data real-time requirements. Common data backup and recovery strategies include:

  1. Full Backup: Perform a complete backup of the entire database, suitable for scenarios with small data volumes or low backup frequency. The advantage of full backup is that it is simple to operate during recovery, but the disadvantage is that it takes a long time and occupies a large storage space.

  2. Incremental Backup: Only back up the data that has changed since the last backup, suitable for scenarios with large data volumes and frequent changes. The advantage of incremental backup is that it is fast and occupies little storage space, but the disadvantage is that recovery requires multiple backup records, making the operation more complex.

  3. Differential Backup: Only back up the data that has changed since the last full backup, suitable for scenarios with large data volumes and frequent changes. The advantage of differential backup is that it is relatively fast and occupies moderate storage space, and recovery only requires one full backup and one differential backup, making the operation relatively simple.

  4. Real-time Backup: Achieve real-time backup through data replication or log transmission, suitable for scenarios with high real-time data requirements. The advantage of real-time backup is that the risk of data loss is low, but the disadvantage is that it is complex to implement and has a certain impact on system performance.

When choosing a data backup and recovery strategy, it is necessary to comprehensively consider factors such as data importance, backup frequency, storage cost, and recovery time. In addition, regular backup verification is required to ensure the integrity and availability of backup data.

The following are common data backup and recovery tools:

  • Bacula: An open-source enterprise-level backup solution that supports multiple operating systems and databases. Official website: https://www.bacula.org/
  • Amanda: An open-source backup software that supports multiple operating systems and storage devices. Official website: https://www.amanda.org/
  • Veeam: A commercial backup solution that provides comprehensive data protection and recovery functions. Official website: https://www.veeam.com/
  • Acronis: A commercial backup and recovery software that supports multiple platforms and applications. Official website: https://www.acronis.com/

Through reasonable data backup and recovery strategies, the data security and availability of IoT systems can be effectively guaranteed, reducing the risk of data loss and system failures.

Cloud Storage Solutions

Modern cloud storage solutions typically provide basic data storage and backup functions. Here are some recommended cloud storage tools at the relational database level:

  1. Amazon RDS: Amazon RDS offers a variety of relational database engine options, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Oracle, and SQL Server, supporting automatic backups and high availability. Official website: https://aws.amazon.com/rds/
  2. Google Cloud SQL: Google Cloud SQL is a fully managed relational database service that supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server, providing automatic backups and high availability. Official website: https://cloud.google.com/sql
  3. Microsoft Azure SQL Database: Azure SQL Database is a fully managed relational database service that supports automatic backups, scaling, and high availability. Official website: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/sql-database/
  4. Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB: Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB offers a variety of database services, including RDS, PolarDB, and NoSQL databases, supporting automatic backups and high availability. Official website: https://www.alibabacloud.com/product/databases
  5. IBM Db2 on Cloud: IBM Db2 on Cloud is a fully managed relational database service that provides high performance and high availability, supporting automatic backups and recovery. Official website: https://www.ibm.com/cloud/db2-on-cloud

Here are some mainstream cloud time series database solutions:

  1. Amazon Timestream: Amazon Timestream is a fast, scalable, and serverless time series database service designed for IoT and operational applications. It supports automatic scaling, built-in data lifecycle management, and query optimization. Official website: https://aws.amazon.com/timestream/

  2. Google Cloud Bigtable: Google Cloud Bigtable is a high-performance, scalable NoSQL database suitable for large-scale time series data storage and analysis. It is compatible with the open-source HBase API and supports low-latency read and write operations. Official website: https://cloud.google.com/bigtable

  3. Microsoft Azure Time Series Insights: Azure Time Series Insights is a fully managed time series data storage and analysis service that provides real-time data processing, visualization, and analysis capabilities, suitable for IoT and industrial applications. Official website: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/time-series-insights/

  4. Alibaba Cloud Time Series Database (TSDB): Alibaba Cloud Time Series Database (TSDB) is a high-performance, distributed time series database service that supports large-scale time series data storage and query, suitable for IoT, monitoring, and log analysis scenarios. Official website: https://www.aliyun.com/product/hitsdb

  5. IBM Informix TimeSeries: IBM Informix TimeSeries is an efficient time series data management solution that supports complex time series data analysis and processing, suitable for IoT, energy management, and financial services. Official website: https://www.ibm.com/products/informix

Data Compression

Data compression refers to the process of reducing the storage space and transmission time of data through specific algorithms. Data compression is particularly important in IoT because IoT devices typically have limited storage and bandwidth resources. Common data compression methods include lossless compression and lossy compression.

Lossless Compression

Lossless compression refers to data compression methods that do not lose any information during the compression and decompression process. Lossless compression is suitable for scenarios with high data integrity requirements, such as text files, program code, and certain types of sensor data. Common lossless compression algorithms include:

  1. Huffman Coding: Huffman coding is a frequency-based lossless compression algorithm that reduces the overall length of data by using shorter codes to represent more frequent characters.
  2. LZ77: LZ77 is a dictionary-based lossless compression algorithm that reduces data size by finding and replacing repeated string patterns.
  3. DEFLATE: DEFLATE is a lossless compression method that combines Huffman coding and LZ77 algorithms, widely used in ZIP file format and HTTP compression.
  4. LZ4: LZ4 is a very fast lossless compression algorithm suitable for scenarios with high compression speed requirements. It achieves a good balance between compression ratio and compression speed, widely used in real-time data compression and high-performance computing.
  5. Snappy: Snappy is a fast compression algorithm developed by Google, designed for high-throughput applications. Although the compression ratio is relatively low, its compression and decompression speed is very fast, suitable for scenarios that require fast processing of large amounts of data.

Here is a comparison of several common lossless compression algorithms:

Feature/AlgorithmHuffman CodingLZ77DEFLATELZ4Snappy
Compression RatioMediumHighHighLowLow
Compression SpeedMediumSlowMediumVery FastVery Fast
Decompression SpeedFastMediumFastVery FastVery Fast
Suitable ScenariosSuitable for data with obvious character frequency distributionSuitable for data with many repeated patternsSuitable for general data compressionSuitable for scenarios with high compression speed requirementsSuitable for applications requiring high throughput
Algorithm ComplexityLowHighHighLowLow

By comparing different lossless compression algorithms, you can choose the most suitable algorithm according to specific needs to meet the data compression requirements of IoT systems. Here is the selection model:

  1. Huffman Coding: If the data has an obvious character frequency distribution and requires a high decompression speed, you can choose Huffman coding.
  2. LZ77: If the data has many repeated patterns and requires a high compression ratio, you can choose the LZ77 algorithm.
  3. DEFLATE: If you need a general high compression ratio and fast decompression speed, you can choose the DEFLATE algorithm.
  4. LZ4: If you require very high compression speed and can accept a lower compression ratio, you can choose the LZ4 algorithm.
  5. Snappy: If you need high throughput and can accept a lower compression ratio, you can choose the Snappy algorithm.

Lossy Compression

Lossy compression refers to data compression methods that lose some information during the compression process. Lossy compression is suitable for scenarios with low data accuracy requirements, such as audio, video, and image data. Common lossy compression algorithms include:

  1. JPEG: JPEG is a widely used image compression standard that reduces image size by discarding details that are not easily perceived by the human eye.
  2. MP3: MP3 is a common audio compression format that reduces the size of audio files by removing sound frequencies that are not easily perceived by the human ear.
  3. H.264: H.264 is an efficient video compression standard that reduces the size of video files by removing redundant inter-frame and intra-frame information.
  4. AAC: AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) is an audio compression format that provides higher sound quality and compression efficiency than MP3, widely used in streaming media and mobile devices.
  5. HEVC: HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding), also known as H.265, is a video compression standard that provides higher compression efficiency than H.264, suitable for high-resolution video compression.
  6. WebP: WebP is an image compression format that supports both lossy and lossless compression, providing higher compression efficiency than JPEG and PNG, suitable for web image compression.
  7. Opus: Opus is an audio codec suitable for compressing voice and music, providing high-quality and low-latency audio transmission, widely used in real-time communication and streaming media.
  8. FLAC: FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) is a lossless audio compression format suitable for scenarios with high audio quality requirements, such as music archiving and high-fidelity audio playback.

Here is a comparison of several common lossy and lossless compression algorithms:

Compression RatioHighHighHighHighHighHighHighLossless
Compression SpeedFastFastMediumFastMediumFastFastMedium
Decompression SpeedFastFastMediumFastMediumFastFastMedium
Suitable ScenariosImage compressionAudio compressionVideo compressionAudio compressionVideo compressionImage compressionAudio compressionAudio compression
Data LossLowLowLowLowLowLowLowNone
Algorithm ComplexityMediumMediumHighMediumHighMediumMediumMedium

By comparing different lossy and lossless compression algorithms, you can choose the most suitable algorithm according to specific needs to meet the data compression requirements of IoT systems. Here is the selection model:

  1. JPEG: If you need to compress images and have low requirements for image quality, you can choose the JPEG algorithm.
  2. MP3: If you need to compress audio and have low requirements for audio quality, you can choose the MP3 algorithm.
  3. H.264: If you need to compress video and have low requirements for video quality, you can choose the H.264 algorithm.
  4. AAC: If you need higher sound quality and compression efficiency for audio compression, you can choose the AAC algorithm.
  5. HEVC: If you need higher compression efficiency for high-resolution video compression, you can choose the HEVC algorithm.
  6. WebP: If you need higher compression efficiency for web image compression, you can choose the WebP algorithm.
  7. Opus: If you need high-quality and low-latency audio transmission, you can choose the Opus algorithm.
  8. FLAC: If you need lossless audio compression, you can choose the FLAC algorithm.

Data Compression Tools

In IoT systems, choosing the right data compression tool can significantly improve data transmission efficiency and storage utilization. Here are some common data compression tools that are widely used on the internet:

  1. gzip: gzip is a compression tool based on the DEFLATE algorithm, widely used for file compression and HTTP transmission. Official website: https://www.gnu.org/software/gzip/
  2. bzip2: bzip2 is a compression tool based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform and Huffman coding, providing a higher compression ratio but slower compression speed. Official website: https://sourceware.org/bzip2/
  3. zlib: zlib is a compression library based on the DEFLATE algorithm, widely used in various programming languages and platforms. Official website: https://zlib.net/
  4. LZ4: LZ4 is a very fast lossless compression algorithm, suitable for scenarios with high compression speed requirements. Official website: https://lz4.github.io/lz4/
  5. Snappy: Snappy is a fast compression library developed by Google, suitable for applications requiring high throughput. Official website: https://github.com/google/snappy

Data Archiving

Data archiving refers to moving data that is no longer frequently accessed out of the primary storage system and storing it on cheaper and larger storage media to save space and resources in the primary storage system. Here are some common data archiving methods:

  1. Tape Storage: Tape storage is a traditional data archiving method with the advantages of low cost, large capacity, and long preservation time, suitable for long-term data archiving.
  2. Optical Disc Storage: Optical disc storage includes CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs, suitable for small to medium-scale data archiving, with the advantages of low cost and portability.
  3. Cloud Storage: Cloud storage is a modern data archiving method that provides high availability and elastic scalability, suitable for scenarios requiring access to archived data at any time. Common cloud storage service providers include Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.
  4. Cold Storage: Cold storage is a storage service specifically designed for data archiving, offering lower storage costs and higher data durability but slower access speeds. Common cold storage services include Amazon Glacier and Google Coldline.
  5. Hard Disk Storage: Hard disk storage is a common data archiving method with the advantages of moderate cost, large capacity, and fast access speed. Hard disk storage is suitable for scenarios requiring frequent access to archived data, and common hard disk storage devices include HDDs (mechanical hard drives) and SSDs (solid-state drives).

Here is a comparison of the five data archiving methods mentioned above:

Archiving MethodAdvantagesDisadvantagesSuitable Scenarios
Tape StorageLow cost, large capacity, long preservation timeSlow access speed, complex managementSuitable for long-term data archiving, data that does not need to be accessed frequently
Optical Disc StorageLow cost, good portabilityLimited capacity, easily damagedSuitable for small to medium-scale data archiving, data that is easy to carry and distribute
Cloud StorageHigh availability, elastic scalabilityHigher cost, network dependencySuitable for scenarios requiring access to archived data at any time, businesses with large and rapidly growing data volumes
Cold StorageLow storage cost, high data durabilitySlow access speedSuitable for long-term data archiving, data with low access frequency
Hard Disk StorageLarge capacity, fast access speedModerate cost, easily damagedSuitable for scenarios requiring frequent access to archived data, data with large volumes and requiring quick recovery

By comparing different data archiving methods, you can choose the most suitable solution according to specific needs to meet the data archiving requirements of IoT systems. It is recommended to comprehensively consider factors such as data access frequency, preservation time, storage cost, and security when choosing an archiving method, and regularly evaluate and update archiving strategies to adapt to changing business needs and technological developments. In addition, the ease and speed of data recovery should be evaluated to ensure that archived data can be quickly restored when needed. For some critical data, it is recommended to use multiple archiving methods for redundant backup to improve data reliability and security.

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