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Data Collection

This article introduces in detail the data collection technology in the IoT system, including the classification and characteristics of sensors and their applications in different fields. By understanding this basic knowledge, readers can better understand the importance of data collection in IoT and its practical application scenarios.

This article introduces in detail the data collection technology in the IoT system, including the classification and characteristics of sensors and their applications in different fields. By understanding this basic knowledge, readers can better understand the importance of data collection in IoT and its practical application scenarios.

Data Collection

In the IoT system, data collection is the core of the entire system. It is responsible for collecting data from various sensors and devices and transmitting this data to the data processing and storage system. The quality of data collection directly affects the performance and reliability of the entire system.

Sensor Technology

Sensors are key devices used for data collection in IoT systems. They can measure various physical quantities, such as temperature, humidity, pressure, position, speed, etc. Sensors usually have the following characteristics:

  • High precision: Able to provide accurate measurement data and reduce errors.
  • High stability: Maintain consistent performance over long-term use and are not easily affected by external environments.
  • Low power consumption: Especially important for battery-powered devices, extending the device’s lifespan.
  • Small size: Easy to integrate and install in various devices, saving space.
  • Easy to integrate: Strong compatibility with other systems and devices, facilitating system integration and data transmission.

Classification of Sensors

Sensors can be classified according to the physical quantities they measure, their working principles, and their application fields. Here are some common sensor classifications:

  1. By physical quantity measured:

    • Temperature sensors: Used to measure temperature, such as thermocouples, thermistors, etc.
    • Humidity sensors: Used to measure humidity, such as capacitive humidity sensors, impedance humidity sensors, etc.
    • Pressure sensors: Used to measure pressure, such as piezoelectric pressure sensors, strain gauge pressure sensors, etc.
    • Position sensors: Used to measure position, such as photoelectric encoders, Hall effect sensors, etc.
    • Speed sensors: Used to measure speed, such as tachogenerators, laser Doppler velocimeters, etc.
  2. By working principle:

    • Resistive sensors: Sense physical quantities by measuring resistance changes, such as thermistors, strain gauges, etc.
    • Capacitive sensors: Sense physical quantities by measuring capacitance changes, such as capacitive humidity sensors, proximity sensors, etc.
    • Inductive sensors: Sense physical quantities by measuring inductance changes, such as inductive displacement sensors, metal detectors, etc.
    • Photoelectric sensors: Sense physical quantities by measuring changes in light, such as photoelectric switches, fiber optic sensors, etc.
  3. By application field:

    • Industrial sensors: Used for industrial automation control, such as pressure sensors, temperature sensors, etc.
    • Medical sensors: Used for medical health monitoring, such as ECG sensors, blood oxygen sensors, etc.
    • Environmental sensors: Used for environmental monitoring, such as air quality sensors, water quality sensors, etc.
    • Automotive sensors: Used in automotive electronic systems, such as tire pressure sensors, oxygen sensors, etc.

Sensor Selection

In the implementation of IoT projects, the following factors need to be considered when selecting sensors:

  • Measurement range: The measurement range of the sensor should cover all possible values in the actual application.
  • Accuracy and resolution: The accuracy and resolution of the sensor should meet the requirements of the application.
  • Response time: The response time of the sensor should be fast enough to meet the needs of real-time data collection.
  • Environmental adaptability: The sensor should be able to work stably in the actual application environment, such as temperature, humidity, vibration, etc.
  • Power consumption: For battery-powered devices, the power consumption of the sensor should be as low as possible.
  • Cost: Under the premise of meeting performance requirements, sensors with lower costs should be selected as much as possible.

Sensor Calibration

Sensors usually need to be calibrated before use to ensure the accuracy of their measurements. Calibration methods include:

  • Static calibration: Calibrating the sensor under known standard conditions, such as using a standard temperature source to calibrate a temperature sensor.
  • Dynamic calibration: Calibrating the sensor under dynamic conditions, such as using a standard vibration source to calibrate an accelerometer.
  • Self-calibration: Some sensors have self-calibration functions and can automatically calibrate during use.

Sensor Maintenance

To ensure the long-term stability and reliability of sensors, regular maintenance is required, including:

  • Cleaning: Regularly clean the sensors to prevent dust and dirt from affecting measurement accuracy.
  • Inspection: Regularly inspect the connections and installation of the sensors to ensure they are working properly.
  • Calibration: Regularly calibrate the sensors to ensure the accuracy of their measurements.
  • Replacement: Timely replace aging or damaged sensors.

Data Collection Methods

Data collection is a crucial part of IoT systems and mainly includes the following methods:

  1. Timed Collection:

    • Timed collection refers to reading data from sensors at preset time intervals. This method is suitable for scenarios where real-time data is not highly required, such as environmental monitoring and equipment status monitoring.
    • Advantages: Simple to implement and easy to manage.
    • Disadvantages: May miss some instantaneous data changes, and the data’s real-time performance is poor.
  2. Event-Driven Collection:

    • Event-driven collection refers to immediately collecting and reporting data when the sensor detects a specific event or condition. This method is suitable for scenarios where real-time data is highly required, such as security monitoring and fault detection.
    • Advantages: High real-time performance and can capture important events in a timely manner.
    • Disadvantages: Complex to implement and requires accurate identification and handling of events.
  3. Continuous Collection:

    • Continuous collection refers to the sensor continuously collecting data and uploading it to the data processing center in real-time. This method is suitable for scenarios where data continuity and real-time performance are highly required, such as video surveillance and real-time positioning.
    • Advantages: Good data continuity and high real-time performance.
    • Disadvantages: Large data volume and high requirements for network bandwidth and storage space.
  4. On-Demand Collection:

    • On-demand collection refers to flexibly adjusting the frequency and method of data collection according to actual needs. This method is suitable for scenarios with variable data collection requirements, such as smart homes and personalized health monitoring.
    • Advantages: High flexibility and can adjust the collection strategy according to needs.
    • Disadvantages: Complex to implement and requires dynamic adjustment of the collection strategy.

Data Encoding

Data encoding refers to converting the raw data collected by sensors into a format suitable for transmission and storage. Common data encoding methods include:

  1. Binary Encoding: Binary encoding converts data into binary format, suitable for transmission and storage. The advantage of binary encoding is that the data volume is small and the transmission efficiency is high, but it is not easy for humans to read.

  2. Text Encoding: Text encoding converts data into text format, such as JSON, XML, etc. The advantage of text encoding is that it is easy to read and debug, but the data volume is large and the transmission efficiency is low.

  3. Compressed Encoding: Compressed encoding compresses data to reduce data volume and improve transmission efficiency. Common compressed encoding methods include Gzip, Brotli, etc.

  4. Encrypted Encoding: Encrypted encoding encrypts data to ensure data security. Common encrypted encoding methods include AES, RSA, etc.

  5. Custom Encoding: Custom encoding is a method designed according to specific needs, suitable for specific scenarios. The advantage of custom encoding is high flexibility, but it is complex to implement.

  • Comparison of Encoding Methods
Encoding MethodAdvantagesDisadvantages
Binary EncodingSmall data volume, high transmission efficiencyNot easy for humans to read and debug
Text EncodingEasy to read and debug, widely supportedLarge data volume, low transmission efficiency
Compressed EncodingSmall data volume, high transmission efficiencyRequires additional computing resources for compression and decompression
Encrypted EncodingEnsures data security, prevents data theft or tamperingRequires additional computing resources for encryption and decryption
Custom EncodingHigh flexibility, can meet specific needsComplex to implement, poor generality

Binary Encoding

Binary encoding is a method of converting data into binary format, suitable for transmission and storage. The advantage of binary encoding is that the data volume is small and the transmission efficiency is high, but it is not easy for humans to read. Common binary encoding methods include:

  1. Fixed-Length Encoding: Fixed-length encoding refers to encoding data with a fixed length, where each data item occupies the same number of bytes. The advantage of fixed-length encoding is that it is simple to decode and easy to implement, but it may waste storage space.

  2. Variable-Length Encoding: Variable-length encoding refers to encoding data based on its actual length, where each data item occupies a different number of bytes. The advantage of variable-length encoding is that it saves storage space, but the decoding complexity is higher.

  3. Compressed Encoding: Compressed encoding compresses data to reduce data volume and improve transmission efficiency. Common compressed encoding methods include Huffman encoding, Run-Length encoding, etc.

  4. Custom Encoding: Custom encoding is a method designed according to specific needs, suitable for specific scenarios. The advantage of custom encoding is high flexibility, but it is complex to implement.

  • Comparison of Binary Encoding Methods
Encoding MethodAdvantagesDisadvantages
Fixed-Length EncodingSimple to decode, easy to implementMay waste storage space
Variable-Length EncodingSaves storage spaceHigh decoding complexity
Compressed EncodingSmall data volume, high transmission efficiencyRequires additional computing resources for compression and decompression
Custom EncodingHigh flexibility, can meet specific needsComplex to implement, poor generality

Text Encoding

Text encoding is a method of converting data into text format, suitable for transmission and storage. The advantage of text encoding is that it is easy to read and debug, but the data volume is large and the transmission efficiency is low. Common text encoding methods include:

  1. JSON Encoding: JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate. The advantage of JSON encoding is that it has a clear structure and is widely supported, but the data volume is large.

  2. XML Encoding: XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a markup language used to define data formats. The advantage of XML encoding is that it is highly flexible and supports complex data structures, but the data volume is large and the parsing speed is slow.

  3. YAML Encoding: YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) is a serialization format specifically designed for configuration files, easy for humans to read. The advantage of YAML encoding is that it is concise and clear, suitable for configuration files, but not suitable for large data transmission.

  4. CSV Encoding: CSV (Comma-Separated Values) is a simple text format used to store tabular data. The advantage of CSV encoding is that it has a simple format and is easy to process, but it does not support complex data structures.

  • Comparison of Text Encoding Methods
Encoding MethodAdvantagesDisadvantages
JSON EncodingClear structure, widely supportedLarge data volume
XML EncodingHighly flexible, supports complex data structuresLarge data volume, slow parsing speed
YAML EncodingConcise and clear, suitable for configuration filesNot suitable for large data transmission
CSV EncodingSimple format, easy to processDoes not support complex data structures

Compressed Encoding

Compressed encoding is a method of reducing data volume by eliminating data redundancy, suitable for transmission and storage. The advantage of compressed encoding is that it can significantly reduce data volume and improve transmission efficiency, but it requires additional computing resources for compression and decompression. Common compressed encoding methods include:

  1. Huffman Encoding: Huffman encoding is a lossless compression algorithm based on character frequency, using shorter codes for more frequent characters and longer codes for less frequent characters to achieve data compression. The advantage of Huffman encoding is high compression efficiency, but it requires constructing a Huffman tree, which has high computational complexity.

  2. Run-Length Encoding: Run-Length encoding is a simple lossless compression algorithm that compresses data by recording consecutive repeated characters and their repetition counts. The advantage of Run-Length encoding is that it is simple to implement and suitable for scenarios with many repeated data, but it performs poorly for random data.

  3. LZW Encoding: LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) encoding is a dictionary-based lossless compression algorithm that dynamically constructs a dictionary to replace repeated strings, achieving data compression. The advantage of LZW encoding is high compression efficiency and suitability for various data types, but it is complex to implement and has slow decoding speed.

  4. Bzip2 Encoding: Bzip2 encoding is a block-sorting lossless compression algorithm that compresses data by block sorting and entropy encoding. The advantage of Bzip2 encoding is high compression ratio and suitability for large data compression, but it has slow compression and decompression speeds.

  • Comparison of Compressed Encoding Methods
Encoding MethodAdvantagesDisadvantages
Huffman EncodingHigh compression efficiencyRequires constructing a Huffman tree, high computational complexity
Run-Length EncodingSimple to implement, suitable for scenarios with many repeated dataPoor performance for random data
LZW EncodingHigh compression efficiency, suitable for various data typesComplex to implement, slow decoding speed
Bzip2 EncodingHigh compression ratio, suitable for large data compressionSlow compression and decompression speeds

Encrypted Encoding

Encrypted encoding is a method of encoding data by encrypting it to protect data security, suitable for transmission and storage. The advantage of encrypted encoding is that it can effectively prevent data from being stolen and tampered with, but it requires additional computing resources for encryption and decryption. Common encrypted encoding methods include:

  1. Symmetric Encryption: Symmetric encryption is an encryption algorithm that uses the same key for encryption and decryption. Common symmetric encryption algorithms include AES, DES, etc. The advantage of symmetric encryption is that the encryption and decryption speed is fast, but key management is complex.

  2. Asymmetric Encryption: Asymmetric encryption is an encryption algorithm that uses a public key and a private key for encryption and decryption. Common asymmetric encryption algorithms include RSA, ECC, etc. The advantage of asymmetric encryption is that key management is simple and security is high, but the encryption and decryption speed is slow.

  3. Hybrid Encryption: Hybrid encryption is an encryption method that combines the advantages of symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption. It usually uses asymmetric encryption to transmit the symmetric encryption key and then uses symmetric encryption for data encryption. The advantage of hybrid encryption is that it combines speed and security, but it is complex to implement.

  4. Hash Encryption: Hash encryption is an encryption method that generates a fixed-length hash value by performing a hash operation on the data to protect data integrity. Common hash algorithms include MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, etc. The advantage of hash encryption is that the calculation speed is fast and it is suitable for data integrity verification, but it is not suitable for data encryption transmission.

  • Comparison of Encrypted Encoding Methods
Encoding MethodAdvantagesDisadvantages
Symmetric EncryptionFast encryption and decryption speedComplex key management
Asymmetric EncryptionSimple key management, high securitySlow encryption and decryption speed
Hybrid EncryptionCombines speed and securityComplex to implement
Hash EncryptionFast calculation speed, suitable for data integrity verificationNot suitable for data encryption transmission

Custom Encoding

Custom encoding is a method of designing encoding according to specific needs and scenarios, which can flexibly meet the requirements of various data transmission and storage. The advantage of custom encoding is that it can be optimized for specific applications to improve efficiency and security, but it requires additional development and maintenance costs. Common custom encoding methods include:

  1. Rule-Based Encoding: Rule-based encoding is a method of encoding data through predefined rules. The advantage of this method is that it is simple to implement, easy to understand and maintain, but it is less flexible and suitable for data scenarios with clear rules.

  2. Model-Based Encoding: Model-based encoding is a method of encoding data by training models. The advantage of this method is that it can handle complex data structures and patterns, suitable for big data and machine learning scenarios, but it is complex to implement and consumes a lot of computing resources.

  3. Hybrid Encoding: Hybrid encoding is a method that combines the advantages of multiple encoding methods, usually selecting the most suitable encoding method for different parts of the data. The advantage of hybrid encoding is that it is highly flexible and can be optimized for different data types, but it is complex to implement and has high maintenance costs.

  • Comparison of Custom Encoding Methods
Encoding MethodAdvantagesDisadvantages
Rule-Based EncodingSimple to implement, easy to understand and maintainLess flexible
Model-Based EncodingCan handle complex data structures and patternsComplex to implement, consumes a lot of computing resources
Hybrid EncodingHighly flexible, can be optimized for different data typesComplex to implement, high maintenance costs

Data Integrity and Verification

Data integrity and verification refer to the technical means to ensure that data is not tampered with or lost during transmission and storage. Common data integrity and verification methods include:

  1. Checksum: Checksum is a simple verification method that calculates the sum of the data and appends it to the end of the data. The receiver can verify the integrity of the data by recalculating the checksum. The advantage of checksum is that it is simple to implement, but it has weak detection capability for data tampering.

  2. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC): CRC is a commonly used verification method that generates a checksum by performing polynomial operations on the data. The receiver can verify the integrity of the data by performing the same operation. The advantage of CRC is that it has strong detection capability and is suitable for detecting accidental errors, but it has limited detection capability for malicious tampering.

  3. Hash Verification: Hash verification generates a fixed-length hash value by performing a hash operation on the data. The receiver can verify the integrity of the data by performing the same hash operation. Common hash algorithms include MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, etc. The advantage of hash verification is that it has strong detection capability and is suitable for detecting malicious tampering, but it has high computational complexity.

  4. Digital Signature: Digital signature generates a signature by performing an encryption operation on the data. The receiver can verify the integrity and source of the data by decrypting the signature. Common digital signature algorithms include RSA, DSA, etc. The advantage of digital signature is that it has high security and can prevent data tampering and forgery, but it is complex to implement and consumes a lot of computing resources.

  • Comparison of Verification Methods
Verification MethodAdvantagesDisadvantages
ChecksumSimple to implement, fast calculation speedWeak detection capability, easily tampered with
CRCStrong detection capability, suitable for accidental errorsLimited detection capability for malicious tampering
Hash VerificationStrong detection capability, suitable for malicious tamperingHigh computational complexity
Digital SignatureHigh security, prevents tampering and forgeryComplex to implement, consumes a lot of computing resources


Checksum is a simple and fast verification method, usually used to detect accidental errors in data transmission. The basic principle is to treat the data as a series of numbers, calculate the sum of these numbers, and then append the sum to the end of the data. The receiver can verify the integrity of the data by recalculating the checksum and comparing it with the appended checksum.

The advantage of checksum is that it is simple to implement and has a fast calculation speed, suitable for scenarios with low data integrity requirements. However, the detection capability of checksum is weak, and it is easily affected by data tampering, unable to effectively detect malicious tampering. Therefore, checksum is usually used in simple data transmission scenarios, such as file transfer, data backup, etc.

Here is a simple example of checksum calculation:

def calculate_checksum(data):
    :param data: 输入数据,类型为字符串
    :return: 校验和,类型为整数
    checksum = 0
    for char in data:
        checksum += ord(char)
    return checksum

# 示例数据
data = "Hello, World!"
# 计算校验和
checksum = calculate_checksum(data)
print(f"数据: {data}")
print(f"校验和: {checksum}")


Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is a commonly used error detection method, widely used in data communication and storage systems. CRC generates a checksum by performing polynomial operations on the data, and the receiver can verify the integrity of the data by performing the same operation. The advantage of CRC is its strong detection capability, which can effectively detect accidental errors, but it has limited detection capability for malicious tampering.

The basic principle of CRC is to treat the data as a binary sequence and perform modulo-2 division with a predefined polynomial. The remainder obtained is the checksum. After receiving the data, the receiver can use the same polynomial to perform the operation and compare the result with the received checksum to verify the integrity of the data.

Here is a simple example of CRC calculation using the CRC-32 algorithm:

import zlib

def calculate_crc32(data):
    :param data: 输入数据,类型为字符串
    :return: CRC-32校验码,类型为整数
    crc32 = zlib.crc32(data.encode())
    return crc32

# 示例数据
data = "Hello, World!"
# 计算CRC-32校验码
crc32 = calculate_crc32(data)
print(f"数据: {data}")
print(f"CRC-32校验码: {crc32}")

Note: CRC calculation methods are not limited to CRC32, there are several common CRC algorithms:

  1. CRC-8: Uses an 8-bit checksum, suitable for small data volume checks.
  2. CRC-16: Uses a 16-bit checksum, widely used in communication protocols and storage devices.
  3. CRC-32: Uses a 32-bit checksum, commonly used in network transmission and file checks.
  4. CRC-64: Uses a 64-bit checksum, suitable for large data volume checks, providing higher detection capability.
  5. CRC-CCITT: A 16-bit checksum, widely used in telecommunications and network communications.
  6. CRC-ITU: A 16-bit checksum defined by the International Telecommunication Union, commonly used in data communications.
  7. CRC-5: Uses a 5-bit checksum, commonly used in USB protocols.
  8. CRC-4: Uses a 4-bit checksum, commonly used in low-speed data transmission.

Hash Check

Hash check is a process of mapping data of any length to a fixed-length hash value. Common hash algorithms include MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, etc. The main purpose of hash check is to verify the integrity and authenticity of the data.

Here is a simple example of hash check using the SHA-256 algorithm:

import hashlib

def calculate_sha256(data):
    :param data: 输入数据,类型为字符串
    :return: SHA-256哈希值,类型为十六进制字符串
    sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
    return sha256.hexdigest()

# 示例数据
data = "Hello, World!"
# 计算SHA-256哈希值
sha256_hash = calculate_sha256(data)
print(f"数据: {data}")
print(f"SHA-256哈希值: {sha256_hash}")

Digital Signature

A digital signature is a method used to verify the source and integrity of data. It uses public key encryption technology to generate and verify signatures. Here is a simple example of a digital signature using the RSA algorithm:

import rsa

def generate_keys():
    :return: (public_key, private_key) 公钥和私钥
    (public_key, private_key) = rsa.newkeys(2048)
    return public_key, private_key

def sign_data(data, private_key):
    :param data: 输入数据,类型为字符串
    :param private_key: 私钥
    :return: 签名,类型为字节串
    return rsa.sign(data.encode(), private_key, 'SHA-256')

def verify_signature(data, signature, public_key):
    :param data: 输入数据,类型为字符串
    :param signature: 签名,类型为字节串
    :param public_key: 公钥
    :return: 验证结果,类型为布尔值
        rsa.verify(data.encode(), signature, public_key)
        return True
    except rsa.VerificationError:
        return False

# 生成公钥和私钥
public_key, private_key = generate_keys()

# 示例数据
data = "Hello, World!"
# 对数据进行签名
signature = sign_data(data, private_key)
print(f"数据: {data}")
print(f"签名: {signature}")

# 验证签名
is_valid = verify_signature(data, signature, public_key)
print(f"签名验证结果: {is_valid}")

Data Encryption

In IoT systems, data security and privacy are crucial. To protect data during transmission and storage, it is usually necessary to encrypt the data. Data encryption can be divided into symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption uses the same key for encryption and decryption, while asymmetric encryption uses a pair of public and private keys for encryption and decryption. The following will introduce these two encryption methods and their applications in IoT systems in detail.

Symmetric Encryption

Symmetric encryption uses the same key for encryption and decryption. Common symmetric encryption algorithms include AES, DES, etc. The following is an example of using AES for encryption and decryption:

from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import base64

def pad(data):
    :param data: 输入数据,类型为字符串
    :return: 填充后的数据,类型为字节串
    pad_len = 16 - len(data) % 16
    return data + chr(pad_len) * pad_len

def unpad(data):
    :param data: 输入数据,类型为字节串
    :return: 去除填充后的数据,类型为字符串
    pad_len = data[-1]
    return data[:-pad_len]

def encrypt_data(data, key):
    :param data: 输入数据,类型为字符串
    :param key: 加密密钥,类型为字节串,长度为16字节
    :return: 加密后的数据,类型为字节串
    cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
    encrypted_data = cipher.encrypt(pad(data).encode())
    return base64.b64encode(encrypted_data)

def decrypt_data(encrypted_data, key):
    :param encrypted_data: 加密后的数据,类型为字节串
    :param key: 解密密钥,类型为字节串,长度为16字节
    :return: 解密后的数据,类型为字符串
    cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
    decrypted_data = cipher.decrypt(base64.b64decode(encrypted_data))
    return unpad(decrypted_data).decode()

# 示例密钥(16字节)
key = b'Sixteen byte key'

# 示例数据
data = "Hello, World!"
# 对数据进行加密
encrypted_data = encrypt_data(data, key)
print(f"加密后的数据: {encrypted_data}")

# 对数据进行解密
decrypted_data = decrypt_data(encrypted_data, key)
print(f"解密后的数据: {decrypted_data}")

Asymmetric Encryption

Asymmetric encryption is an encryption method that uses a pair of keys (public key and private key) for encryption and decryption. The public key is used to encrypt data, and the private key is used to decrypt data. The advantage of asymmetric encryption is high security, but the computational complexity is high, making it suitable for scenarios requiring high security. Common asymmetric encryption algorithms include:

  1. RSA: The RSA algorithm is one of the most commonly used asymmetric encryption algorithms, based on the mathematical problem of large number factorization. The security of the RSA algorithm depends on the key length, with common key lengths being 1024 bits, 2048 bits, and 4096 bits.

  2. ECC: Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is an asymmetric encryption algorithm based on elliptic curve mathematics. The security of the ECC algorithm is higher than that of RSA, and it has shorter key lengths and higher computational efficiency.

  3. DSA: The Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) is an asymmetric encryption algorithm used for digital signatures. The security of the DSA algorithm depends on the key length, with common key lengths being 1024 bits and 2048 bits.

  4. ElGamal: The ElGamal encryption algorithm is an asymmetric encryption algorithm based on the discrete logarithm problem. The security of the ElGamal algorithm depends on the key length, with common key lengths being 1024 bits and 2048 bits.

  5. Diffie-Hellman: The Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm is an asymmetric encryption algorithm used for securely exchanging keys. The security of the Diffie-Hellman algorithm depends on the key length, with common key lengths being 1024 bits and 2048 bits.

Basic Knowledge of IoT

Basic Knowledge of IoT

This chapter summarizes the basic knowledge of IoT, including network communication, data collection, data storage and management, device management and maintenance, data analysis and intelligent decision-making, edge computing and IoT, etc. Through these contents, readers can fully understand the basic concepts and application scenarios of IoT.

IoT Data Analysis

IoT Data Analysis

This article details the application of IoT data analysis in fields such as smart homes, industrial automation, and smart cities. Through steps such as data collection, data preprocessing, data analysis, and result interpretation, it helps enterprises optimize production processes, improve resource utilization, and enhance operational efficiency and quality of life.

Device Management

Device Management

This article details various aspects of IoT device management and maintenance, including device registration, device authentication, device monitoring, etc. Through a systematic device management process, ensure that devices operate efficiently and securely throughout their lifecycle.

Edge Computing and IoT

Edge Computing and IoT

This article explores the application of edge computing in the Internet of Things (IoT), introducing the definition of edge computing, the collaboration between edge computing and cloud computing, and the challenges and solutions of edge computing. Through edge computing, IoT systems can achieve real-time data processing and local decision-making, improving response speed and reliability. The edge-cloud collaborative architecture combines the advantages of both, optimizing resource utilization and enhancing system performance.